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Default Draining fat from ground beef

On Mar 6, 3:48*pm, Dan Leifker > wrote:
> I have a recipe that calls for cooked ground beef. *I'd like to remove
> as much fat as possible before I add other ingredients.
> Friend #1 told me to boil (!) the ground beef and stir until the meat is
> browned, and then pour off all the water. *I tried this, and the meat
> disintegrates into very tiny pieces, almost like coarse sand. *(That
> turned my sloppy Joes into sludge.)
> Friend #2 said cook the meat as usual, and then add a quart of two of
> ice water. *The fat solidifies and rises to the top, and then I pour off
> all the liquid.
> Friend #3 said the advice from Friend #2 was utter nonsense, and that I
> should just cook the darn meat, pour off the fat, and proceed with the
> recipe.
> Any suggestions for the best way to drain fat from ground beef? *Friend
> #3 also said not to waste money on high-grade ground beef with less fat,
> because you can pour off all the fat after cooking.
> I'm confused.
> dleifker

> I just fry the beef and when it is browned i drain off the excess fat.