Last Jar of Nalley's Pickles I Will Ever Buy
On Mon, 10 Mar 2008 10:17:23 GMT, "Paul M. Cook" >
>"enigma" > wrote in message
>> hahabogus > wrote in
>> :
>>> do they eat without beaks?
>> they actually cut just the ends of the beak off, not the whole
>> beak. it is, however, painful & unnecessary if the birds are
>> not kept under overcrowded, highly stressful conditions.
>> production eggs birds live less than 3 years.
>As opposed to what? Their wild brethren, guinea fowl, can't live even that
>long in the wild. It isn't like they exactly retire you know, wild or
>domestic. I'm not into debeaking and I always buy certified free range eggs
>(real free range, not the technical free range.) But en emotional straw man
>argument using presumed early mortality is just plain silly.
Three years in the world of chicken farming is a ripe old age.
Broilers could only dream about that. From Hatch to Dispatch for
broilers is just 42 days.