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Goomba38 Goomba38 is offline
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Default Draining fat from ground beef

Dan Leifker wrote:
> biig wrote:
>> When the meat is cooked, I take the pan off the heat and tip it so the
>> meat is away from one side of the pan. I then put paper towel(s) in the
>> empty spot and let it absorb the fat. I change the paper towel as it is
>> saturated, and when it's mostly drained, I wipe the pan with a clean
>> towel.
>> Works every time. .........Sharon

> Utterly brilliant! Yours is the winning answer.

'cept why waste paper towels (cost)? It is easier just to drain through
a colander over a dish or something that you could then pour the
drippings into a discard jar and toss into the trash? Then place the
dish and colander into the dishwasher.