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Goomba38 Goomba38 is offline
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Default Save Robert Irvine!

Edwin Pawlowski wrote:

> Medical credentials probably should be checked more than a draftsman,
> secretary or shipper, but the resume tells little of a person's character or
> real ability. I've had a few great looking resumes and god references, but
> they turned out to be terrible in actual real life work. One of my best
> hires gives a terrible resume and mediocre interview skills, but he is top
> notch at what he does. Been with us 10 years now.

So what did he have going for him that prompted you to hire him?
Seriously... I'm curious? I know someone who was a teacher for 20 years
with a Masters degree in Education. Due to some depression and other
issues she has a horrible time explaining why she quit teaching and is
now doing menial labor yet is trying to get back into teaching. Getting
that interview has been difficult.