I give up!
kilikini wrote:
> Karen AKA Kajikit wrote:
>> This group is so overrun with spam nowadays that I can't even find the
>> real messages amongst the dross, no matter how many different
>> kill-filters I make to try and get rid of it. I could ignore it while
>> it was just a small flow, but there's ten times as much 'noise' as
>> 'signal'! Agent doesn't have the ability to filter posts by domain,
>> just by author or subject, so I give up.
> I hear ya, but each time a new spammer comes out, I kill a specific word in
> their subject message. It eliminates 95% of the spam. Stay with us,
> sweetie.
> kili
Yes, that's what I do also and it works very well. I wonder if Karen is
making some small error in how she adds to her filter and it really
isn't working correctly...?
For example, today I added the word "rape" to my killfile. So if the
word is in the subject line the entire post is deleted. What will
tomorrow's word be? Who knows.. <sigh>