Thread: I give up!
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Hoges in WA Hoges in WA is offline
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Posts: 149
Default I give up!

"Karen AKA Kajikit" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 11 Mar 2008 04:02:20 GMT, "Dave Bugg" >
> wrote:
>>Julie Bove wrote:
>>> "Karen AKA Kajikit" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> This group is so overrun with spam nowadays that I can't even find
>>>> the real messages amongst the dross, no matter how many different
>>>> kill-filters I make to try and get rid of it. I could ignore it while
>>>> it was just a small flow, but there's ten times as much 'noise' as
>>>> 'signal'! Agent doesn't have the ability to filter posts by domain,
>>>> just by author or subject, so I give up.
>>> I just skip over what I don't want to read. Most of the spam is quite
>>> obvious. No biggie.

>>I used to do that as well. The problem has grown so much in recent months
>>that Karen is right, you can hardly find the 'real' posts that dwell
>>all the 'spam' posts.
>>Deleting ' -- specific to the 'From' identifier -- nips
>>virtually all the spam in the bud.

> I tried it and it got rid of 456 messages at one go. I didn't know you
> could do that... I just hope that it actually works and gets rid of
> enough junk that I have a prayer of reading the group again.

I just tried what you did and got rid of about a thousand. I've been
watching the other suggestions in this thread also and most of the spam now
doesn't show up with word filters in the "News Rules". Looks a lot cleaner
Hoges in WA