Osvald Hotz De Baar [aka Pete] wrote:
>> Of the chicken meat sold there in the UK, there is still only 6% of
>> free range chicken sold, and most of the growth had started in the
>> back end of last year, not since a few telly bods started shouting.
>> Less than 140,000 people have signed up for HFW campaign.
>> 36% of consumers are committed to intensively produced birds and
>> intend to remain so.
> Don't you just sound so proud when bragging about factory farming and
> the suffering that involves.
That was a simple report of facts.
You seem to like facts, so I gave you a few more.
Or do you only like the facts that fit your own agenda?
I prefer to find out all sides of a situation.
> Just
> why do you need to be trading under so many different names if you're
> not a slippery character?
They are different domain names, not trading names, all linked together with
the same company information on.
Having different domain names is about search engine optimisation.
Hope that helps, trying to answer your queries for you.
Jill Bowis
Pure bred utility chickens and ducks
Housing; Equipment, Books, Videos, Gifts
Herbaceous; Herb and Alpine nursery
Working Holidays in Scotland