Free-range chicken sales make front page news AND The campaign that changed the eating habits of a nation
On Tue, 11 Mar 2008 11:07:40 -0000, "Jill"
> wrote:
>Osvald Hotz De Baar [aka Pete] wrote:
>>> Of the chicken meat sold there in the UK, there is still only 6% of
>>> free range chicken sold, and most of the growth had started in the
>>> back end of last year, not since a few telly bods started shouting.
>>> Less than 140,000 people have signed up for HFW campaign.
>>> 36% of consumers are committed to intensively produced birds and
>>> intend to remain so.
>> Don't you just sound so proud when bragging about factory farming and
>> the suffering that involves.
>That was a simple report of facts.
Don't hide behind bullshit and at least have the guts to stand by your
warped conviction.
>You seem to like facts, so I gave you a few more.
>Or do you only like the facts that fit your own agenda?
You bet. Defending innocent victims has no substitute. Be they a
chicken or my neighbor.
>I prefer to find out all sides of a situation.
There is no justification for supporting animal abuse.
>> Just
>> why do you need to be trading under so many different names if you're
>> not a slippery character?
>They are different domain names, not trading names, all linked together with
>the same company information on.
You're a slippery character and it shows.
>Having different domain names is about search engine optimisation.
Cooking the books and deceiving people.