Unethical Dreck Nash and his omission of context
"Jonathan Ball" > wrote in message
> Derek wrote:
> > "Jonathan Ball" > wrote in message
> >
> >>Derek wrote:
> >>
> >>>"Jonathan Ball" > wrote in message
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Dreck lied about my logic.
> >>>
> >>>Here's the complete thread which proves you're the
> >>>hypocrite as described in your opening post to this
> >>>thread when you wrote;
> >>>"People who advocate that everyone adopt a moral
> >>>standard that the advocates themselves don't follow
> >>>are hypocrites, and bad people."
> >>
> >>That's a true statement: people who advocate that
> >>everyone adopt a moral standard that the advocates
> >>themselves don't follow *are* hypocrites, and bad
> >>people.
> >>
> >
> > That's you.
> >
> >>>Because you earlier wrote;
> >>>
> >>>"According to my logic, if you knowingly continue
> >>>to buy chocolate - we know YOU do, you fat
> >>>lard-ass - then YOU do not respect the rights of
> >>>the children. It doesn't prove they don't have any;
> >>>it proves YOU don't believe they do."
> >>>Jonathan Ball Date: 2003-07-29
> >>
> >>Right, shitbag: my logic is that you do not respect
> >>the rights you claim the children have.
> >
> >
> > .... if you knowingly buy chocolate from them.
> Which you do.
> >
> >
> >>But earlier,
> >>you lied and said that my "logic" is that if you
> >>knowingly buy the chocolate, it means the children
> >>don't have rights.
> >
> >
> > Which is exactly the same thing, stupid. You're a fool.
> No, it isn't the same thing at all, shitbag. Believing
> that something is so, and something being so, are not
> equivalent.
> You believe you can debate. You are wrong. You cannot
> debate.
Okay I admit it. I'm missing part of this discussion. Just what does buying
chocalte have to do with children's rights?
And all this time I thought AMD was the most wacked NG.