Eating Well on the Cheap
"jmcquown" > wrote in
> PeterLucas wrote:
>> "kilikini" > wrote in
>> :
>>> My hubby makes about $14K a year and supports the both of us as best
>>> he can. It can be done!
>> Excuse the French but.......... ***** me*!!!
>> Even with the exchange rate (it comes out to AUD$15,140.00) that is
>> pathetic for the "supposed" #1 country in the world!!
> In all fairness, her husband's job (construction) depends a lot on the
> weather.
Even so.........
I have a mate who is a builder. It's been ****ing down rain over here
for the last 3 months.
He still manages to bring in approx $1k per week, in the hand.
It still amazes me that people living in the US (and working!!) are
earning less than some curry muncher in a sweatshop in the backblocks of
If TFM and Kili want a personal reference to facilitate their move to
Oz..... I'm here.
> And they don't live in a huge metropolitan area which
> doesn't help in terms of the work available, either.
Then it should be a case of *move*. Or follow the work.
TFM should just 'chase' earthquakes and tornados.
Kili is a tough chick, she can manage on her own for a little while.
Met quite a few of those 'tradesmen' when I was living over there.
They go where the rebuilding needs to be done, charge a fortune, and get
away with it.
Shit........ I remember going from apartment to aprtment up in Granada
Hills, looking for bodies (initially), in this *huge* complex that my
mate lived in (I happened to be 'sleeping over' on that night), and
people were literally throwing money at me to do simple and basic tasks
for them, such as turn off their gas!!
I was embarrassed to take their money from them (but did because my mate
said they would get offended!!), because over here, Search and Rescue
and Immediate Disaster Relief are all done *free of charge*!!!
Peter Lucas
Wars begin where you will...
but they do not end where you please.