Eating Well on the Cheap
"Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote in
> PeterLucas > dropped this
> 0.25: in
>> You must admit, you pull this sort of 'stuff' quite often.
> Stuff? Making an inquiry is "stuff"?
No, carrying on like a Drama Queen is 'stuff'.
>> Ummm, no. Maybe, for you, I should have drawn pictures.
> Yes, I like to look at fashion.
I'm sure you do.
>> "Some people call it a 'caring side'. I prefer to call it being a DQ
>> (Drama Queen)."
> Whoopeeeeee... tell someone who gives a shit what you prefer.
You obviously do.
>> Clear enough for you?
> I still want to see the pictures.
If you need to look at pictures to gain comprehension, then maybe you
should try some of the 'remedial' newsgroups.
Continue carrying on like a pork chop, as is your want.
Peter Lucas
Wars begin where you will...
but they do not end where you please.