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PeterLucas[_4_] PeterLucas[_4_] is offline
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Posts: 1,325
Default Eating Well on the Cheap

"Cindi - HappyMamatoThree" > wrote in
. net:

> When we moved to Scotland while I was growing up, we would be asked
> over and over whether we knew any stars, or if we lived near this or
> that musician. There was no concept of the fact that we are from North
> Carolina as far away from Hollywood as we were from Scotland. It's a
> hard scope to recognize I suppose. That makes it's hard to see the
> difficultly of assessing financial status across the country.
> The U.S. is an unusual critter I guess.

LOL!! I've had Yanks come up to me and ask if we have Kangaroos jumping
down the main street, and when they find out where I live some have gone
"Oh, do you know so-and-so, they live around there too"!!

There's approx 3.1 million people in South East Queensland alone.

Peter Lucas

Wars begin where you will...
but they do not end where you please.
