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Joseph M Battaglia
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Default Depression and veganism

In article >, tofubar wrote:
> I've noticed that my friends who have gone exclusively vegan, even if
> they take vitamins, seem more moody and depressed. Has anyone else
> noticed this?

I believe this depression to be completely unrelated to any vitamin or
other deficiency a person may have (which are still much less common in vegans
than in meat-eaters). It stems from the fact that vegans are generally much more
aware of the cruelty to animals (and people) than others. Every time we have to
check ingredients or find the source of one, we are reminded of what takes place
at factory farms and slaughterhouses. Every time we see leather, fur, or other
animal-derived materials, we are reminded of how the animals had to suffer
before they were brutally slaughtered. "Average" people don't associate these
products with suffering. These reminders constantly make us aware of the state
of this world and the way we treat the creatures on it, which may result in
depression depending on how the individual can handle this awareness.