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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Eating Well on the Cheap

PeterLucas wrote:

> LOL!! I've had Yanks come up to me and ask if we have Kangaroos jumping
> down the main street, and when they find out where I live some have gone
> "Oh, do you know so-and-so, they live around there too"!!
> There's approx 3.1 million people in South East Queensland alone.

You never know. A couple years ago my brother and his wife were in the
Cotswalds and ran into another Canadian couple and after a bit of
conversation discovered that the other couple live just around the corner
from me.

While on vacation out in British Columbia, which is almost 2,000 from where
I live, I ended up sitting on an airplane next to someone I went to high
school with .... twice. On another trip out there I met a guy who was
originally from a town about 150 miles from where I live. He was telling me
about a cottage he had built on Lake Huron. My SiL had just bought a cottage
up that way. I had never been there, but knew that she bought is from a
minister. He asked if it was a one armed minister. It was. That was the
place he had built.

The world is a small place. You have to be polite every where you go.