Depression and veganism
"Joseph M Battaglia" > wrote in message
. ..
> In article >, tofubar
> > I've noticed that my friends who have gone exclusively vegan, even if
> > they take vitamins, seem more moody and depressed. Has anyone else
> > noticed this?
> I believe this depression to be completely unrelated to any vitamin or
> other deficiency a person may have (which are still much less common in
> than in meat-eaters).
Af act you didn't back up, eh?
It stems from the fact that vegans are generally much more
> aware of the cruelty to animals (and people) than others. Every time we
have to
> check ingredients or find the source of one, we are reminded of what takes
> at factory farms and slaughterhouses.
yet you sanctimoniuosly ignore the death and suffering that brought that
product to your plate. Why is that?
You are perfectly capable of causing less death and suffering than you do
now by substituting some of your
veggies with the right meats. But, for vegans that's agains't their simple
rule. Simple rules for simple minds.
Every time we see leather, fur, or other
> animal-derived materials, we are reminded of how the animals had to suffer
> before they were brutally slaughtered.
Whenevr I see cotton or pretro-chemical industry based synthetics I think of
all the animals that are far more cruelly
killed that those in the slaughterhouses. Guess you conveninetly ignore
those deaths, eh? Why is it that all you think
you have to do is not eat, wear, or touch animal parts and you believe that
no animals ever died?
Even posting your ignorance on usenet around the world for all to see is not
cruelty free. So, the fact remains,
you are not concerned with the death and suffering of animals, just what it
takes to make you
feel better about yourself, and superior to others.
"Average" people don't associate these
> products with suffering.
Nor should they. It's the same as you never associating animal death and
suffering with your choices.
death and suffering which, again, is far more horrible and inhumane than the
deaths of animals in
These reminders constantly make us aware of the state
> of this world and the way we treat the creatures on it, which may result
> depression depending on how the individual can handle this awareness.
The only possibility then is that your toatl ignorance of facts keeps you
unaware of your bloody footprints
as your traipse around feeling so smug about your idiocy.
on how the individual can handle this awareness.