Ophelia/Failure and RNs
On Tue 11 Mar 2008 08:47:15p, told us...
> On Mon, 10 Mar 2008 16:22:35 GMT, blake murphy >
> wrote:
>>dead women are the only ones who will hold still for sheldon's dick.
>>it's hard to hit the target when she's running away.
> Oh, man.... you're cruel! Cut, but don't cut a real human being so
> low. Seriously. Save that stuff for Greg Morrow.
That begs the question as to whether he is a real human being. I have
often had my doubts. I know you have, at least at times, been friendly
with Sheldon. However, IMHO, he deserves no respect because he respects no
one. Sooner or later, there is no one here who will escape being his
Wayne Boatwright
Tuesday, 03(III)/11(XI)/08(MMVIII)
Countdown till Memorial Day
10wks 5dys 1hrs 5mins
A cat could be man's best friend, but
never stoops to it.