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frank87 frank87 is offline
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Posts: 8
Default The biofuel rats are eating our grain!

On 2008-03-12, > expressed:
> "Food supply security" is the hot topic in Europe, where rebellion
> against the biofuel bandwagon has been accelerating as fast as food
> prices have risen. If you want to join a club, a cult, and hop on a
> bandwagon, then FOOD SECURITY is the winning ticket. People will
> always need to eat, want to eat, and like paying reasonable prices for
> their viddles. The biofuel rats have been eating our grain for over a
> decade, with world food shortages the result.

That's because people DON'T pay reasonable prices for their food.
Bio-fuels are food security. It raises the price of food to reasonable
levels, so farmers can produce it.

Diesel oil costs 1EUR30 (because of taxes), soya-oil 60ct. This tells
us, people prefer driving over eating.

(1liter diesel is burned in 10minutes, the liter of soya oil lasts
