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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default Recovering a block of sugar?

Paul M. Cook wrote:

> "Blinky the Shark" > wrote in message
> news
>> Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>> "Blinky the Shark" > wrote in message
>>> news >>>> Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>>>> "Pringles CheezUms" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> We have a bag of sugar that has turned into a solid block.
>>>>>> How do you recover it? (i.e. turn it back into usable granules)
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> Chop it up and whiz it in the food processor.
>>>> And then......I keep brown sugar in a capped jar in the fridge; it's
>>>> been
>>>> in there for a couple years, probably, and is as nicely un-caked as the
>>>> day put it in there.
>>> Years? You mean you don't get a craving for bananas foster at 3 o'clock
>>> in
>>> the morning?

>> I might now. But until now I'd never even heard the phrase "bananas
>> foster".

> Yes well it isn't exactly harbor seal but you may enjoy it:

A little added harbor seal oil can often save the day.



That doesn't sound like it needs any seal oil.[1] Mmmmm.

[1] A common sharkly compliment.

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