Thread: Expired tofu
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usual suspect
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Default Expired tofu

Nordo wrote:
> A package of tofu went hiding in the back of my fridge and now it's a week
> past its sell date. Is it dangerous to eat expired tofu, or will it just
> taste funny? It's been completely sealed and refridgerated the whole time,
> so how bad could it be, right?
> If anyone knows the deal on spoiling tofu, please let me know.

My experience with tofu is that when it goes, it goes. You can open it
and smell to see if it's sour; I wouldn't eat it if it's past due. I've
had tofu that's gone off *before* the expiry date -- complete with
curdled water and the most offensive odor when the package was opened. I

My two-cents: life's WAY too short to take chances with $1.50 worth of
past-date coagulated soy milk. I'd toss it.