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Dave W Dave W is offline
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Posts: 66
Default (2008-03-12) New survey on the RFC site: Asparagus and 'stinky pee'

In article .net>,
Blinky the Shark > wrote:

> ChattyCathy wrote:
> > Blinky the Shark wrote:
> >> ChattyCathy wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>
> >> I believe this is a genetically linked trait.
> >>
> >> BUT here's something to consider: is the difference in making stinky
> >> pee or not making stinky pee -- or is the difference in the ability to
> >> *perceive* the stinky pee that everyone makes after eating asparagus?
> >>

> > Well, I can certainly *perceive* it. LOL! However, as there is such a
> > thing as 'air freshener' available for use in the bathroom, I really
> > don't care. Asparagus is great stuff!

> My question stands, however, for anyone with the simple intellectual
> curiosity to whether or not the dichotomy is with the ability to produce
> the odor or with the ability to perceive it.
> And I like asparagus, too.


In one study, 43% of 800 volunteers had urine odor following asparagus
ingestion. Production of the odor appears to be an autosomal dominant
genetic trait that is evident throughout life. A study of 307 volunteers
found that 10% had the ability to smell high dilutions of urine from
asparagus-fed individuals, suggesting that the ability to smell
asparagus-tainted urine is also a specific trait. A study of 19
volunteers confirmed that only some people have the ability to produce
or detect the odor. This may suggest a genetic composition to these

We actually did some "informal observations" at a small dinner party a
few years ago. The participants were on faculty at university that will
remain unnamed. Asparagus was served at dinner and one of the guests (a
psychology prof who's specialty, like mine, is "sensation and
perception") discussed the urine odor thing. He claimed a genetic
component. The rest of the evening nobody flushed after peeing without
allowing the rest of us to "sample" the pee (with our noses).

Science is fun.

Dave W.