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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Save Robert Irvine!

Little Malice wrote:
> One time on Usenet, blake murphy > said:
>> On Thu, 13 Mar 2008 01:41:24 GMT, (Little
>> Malice) wrote:
>>> One time on Usenet, blake murphy > said:
>>>> On Tue, 11 Mar 2008 23:13:19 -0400, "Nancy Young"
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> "PeterLucas" > wrote
>>>>>> LOL!! I don't think there is a person alive that hasn't
>>>>>> 'embellished' their resume a little bit. It's all part of the
>>>>>> 'selling yourself'.
>>>>> Maybe you should check into what he claimed before saying
>>>>> it's just the usual thing.
>>>> it's too bad that outright lies are now considered
>>>> 'embellishments' by some people.
>>> I've never lied on my resume. I'm too paranoid...

>> it seems foolish. a great many places will can you even if you've
>> been working out o.k. otherwise if they discover you've lied on your
>> resumé.

> Yup -- not worth the risk. As a young'un, I missed out on jobs for
> lack of experience. Sucks, but that's life. I can't imagine lying to
> get a job. Well, maybe if I was in some horrible situation where I
> had starving kids to feed...

I had no "experience" with office work (so I worked in restaurants) when I
was 20 but was well qualified to do it. I typed (at that time) 80WPM with
very few errors (quite important back then, since cc: actually meant *carbon
copy*!). I already had computer skills since I'd been playing around with
an IBM-PC (two floppies, woo hoo!) and had taken several (mainframe)
programming classes as part of my college curriculum. The statement
"Experience Required" in ads for office work ticked me off. One day I'd had
enough. I'd been seeing this same ad for a receptionist 3 Sundays in a row.
I sent my resume along with a polite but pointed cover letter. I suggested
when they got tired of looking for someone with all that experience, give me
a call. They did, and hired me to be the marketing secretary because I had
more skills than they required for receptionist! I worked for them, and
moved up in the organization, for 8 years before moving on to focus on more
computer-oriented work. Sometimes you just have to put yourself out there.
All they can do is say no
