Jerry Story wrote:
>>I've noticed that my friends who have gone exclusively vegan, even if
>>they take vitamins, seem more moody and depressed. Has anyone else
>>noticed this?
> For clarification: Did the moodiness and depression begin "before* or
> *after* they went exclusively vegan?
> There seems to be evidence that cutting out animal food might help
> depression:
What specific evidence on that page, hmmm? There are only two actual
citations offered and neither deals with depression. Indeed, there's
really not much on that page which deals with the issue of depression --
clinical or otherwise -- other than some unsubstantiated conjecture.
Explain this one for us:
A vegetarian diet produces higher levels of behavior than a diet
containing meat when all types of caloric intake are equal.
WTF does "higher levels of behavior" mean?
> If your friends really did get more moody and depressed *after* going
> exclusively vegan, then:
> 1. Are they getting enough omega3?
> Maybe suggest to them that they eat some flax.
> So far as I know, there are few *good* *vegan* sources of omega3.
> Minor vegan sources, yes, but good vegan sources. One such is flax
> seed. I regluarly grind flax seeds and dump them in
> carrot/celery/pepper juice.
Another underlying cause of depression is anemia. It's quite possible
this person's diet is very low in iron. Some leafy greens have a lot of
iron. Meat, too, has iron, and it may be more bioavailable for some people.
> (Even tho I'm not strict vegan, because once a month or so I eat
> buffalo meat, probably the best kind of meat.)
Sorry, Charlie, but that pretty much DQs you from being any kind of
vegetarian, much less a "vegan." "Strict vegan" is redundant.
Regardless, your diet regularly contains meat. You're an omnivore. Stop
pretending you're "vegan" in any form.
> 2. Are they deficient in B12?
> Avoid antibiotics. Take B12 supplements.
> Antibiotics kill bacteria that make B12.
Where do you get this gem? Your body already lacks the bacteria that
make B12, unless you're an alien or some kind of mutant. Antibiotics are
beneficial for infections. B12 is required by the body all the time. You
shouldn't be dispensing medical advice unless you have a freaking clue
what you're talking about.