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DK[_3_] DK[_3_] is offline
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Default Save Robert Irvine!

jmcquown wrote:
> Little Malice wrote:
>> One time on Usenet, blake murphy > said:
>>> On Thu, 13 Mar 2008 01:41:24 GMT, (Little
>>> Malice) wrote:
>>>> One time on Usenet, blake murphy > said:
>>>>> On Tue, 11 Mar 2008 23:13:19 -0400, "Nancy Young"
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> "PeterLucas" > wrote
>>>>>>> LOL!! I don't think there is a person alive that hasn't
>>>>>>> 'embellished' their resume a little bit. It's all part of the
>>>>>>> 'selling yourself'.
>>>>>> Maybe you should check into what he claimed before saying
>>>>>> it's just the usual thing.
>>>>> it's too bad that outright lies are now considered
>>>>> 'embellishments' by some people.
>>>> I've never lied on my resume. I'm too paranoid...
>>> it seems foolish. a great many places will can you even if you've
>>> been working out o.k. otherwise if they discover you've lied on your
>>> resumé.

>> Yup -- not worth the risk. As a young'un, I missed out on jobs for
>> lack of experience. Sucks, but that's life. I can't imagine lying to
>> get a job. Well, maybe if I was in some horrible situation where I
>> had starving kids to feed...

> I had no "experience" with office work (so I worked in restaurants) when
> I was 20 but was well qualified to do it. I typed (at that time) 80WPM
> with very few errors (quite important back then, since cc: actually
> meant *carbon copy*!). I already had computer skills since I'd been
> playing around with an IBM-PC (two floppies, woo hoo!) and had taken
> several (mainframe) programming classes as part of my college
> curriculum. The statement "Experience Required" in ads for office work
> ticked me off. One day I'd had enough. I'd been seeing this same ad
> for a receptionist 3 Sundays in a row. I sent my resume along with a
> polite but pointed cover letter. I suggested when they got tired of
> looking for someone with all that experience, give me a call. They did,
> and hired me to be the marketing secretary because I had more skills
> than they required for receptionist! I worked for them, and moved up in
> the organization, for 8 years before moving on to focus on more
> computer-oriented work. Sometimes you just have to put yourself out
> there. All they can do is say no
> Jill

So why are you unemployable now?
