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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default Need another tool

Dave Bugg wrote:

> Blinky the Shark wrote:
>> Dave Bugg wrote:
>>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>>> Edwin Pawlowski <Edwin Pawlowski >> wrote:
>>>>> "theChas." > wrote in message
>>>>> .. .
>>>>>> There are special pliers that have wide mouths that are used to pull
>>>>>> the thick membrane off the back of sides of port ribs. Anyone know
>>>>>> what these are called and where they can be purchased? In advance
>>>>>> thanks.
>>>>> Duckbill pliers. Any good tool store will have them. OTOH, you grab
>>>>> a corner with a paper towel and they works for a lot less money. I
>>>>> leave them on anyway.
>>>> I think the membrane helps keeps in moisture during smoking, It
>>>> certainly doesn't hinder smoke or spice penetration, and dissolves
>>>> into nothing by the time you're done.
>>> Yup. If I must remove a membrane -- and I very rarely do -- I just use
>>> a paper towel. One does not need a plier for that task.
>>> Or you can just score a crosshatch on the membrane with a sharp knife
>>> of razor blade.

>> ...which is also a good way to keep people from stealing your license
>> plate tags.

> I hadn't thought of that, but you're right.

The guy at AAA told me about it when I was there getting a replacement
for the tag someone stole.

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