Tracy wrote:
> Joseph Littleshoes wrote:
>> Now one use for the pre boiled potatoes that i do like a lot is to
>> slice them into medium sized chunks, quickly heat up and lightly brown
>> in hot canoloa oil with garlic, s & p, & chopped green onions and then
>> pour over them several beaten eggs. Served as either an omelette or a
>> frittata, i find the potatoes incorporated into the eggs are much
>> tastier than the potatoes served 'on the side' with the eggs.
>> --
>> JL
> We call that a Spanish omelet in my house. Way awesome.
> -Tracy
I saw it demonstrated on a japanese cooking show, they were making the
worlds largest omelette and it was primarily composed of potatoes and eggs.
This seemed to intrigue me for some reason, something instinctual about
it just grabbed me and i rather soon made an potatoe omelette. It was SO
delicious, so much better than eggs with potatoes on the side that i
experimented with the basic ingredients till i devised a formula of
outstanding and exceptional excellence and value to myself
A quick stir fry of eggs and potatoes and one has a delightfully
delicious and filling dish.
Of course this "quick stir fry" is dependent on individual knowledge and
technique but in essence is a simple thing, easily mastered.