Thread: Hash
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Ophelia[_4_] Ophelia[_4_] is offline
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Default Hash

hahabogus wrote:
> "Michael Kuettner" > wrote in
> :
>> "jmcquown" > schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>> ...
>>> Joseph Littleshoes wrote:
>>>> aem wrote:
>>>>> On Mar 14, 4:30?pm, Joseph Littleshoes > wrote:
>>>>>> Its not so much that im surprised or amazed that anyone would try
>>>>>> to suggest that not only what i write but where i write is in any
>>>>>> way inappropriate ?as much as i am curious as to why it should
>>>>>> matter so much to you "Melba" that you could not only interpret
>>>>>> my comments as in any way inappropriately placed but that you
>>>>>> felt the need to express such a thought publicly, as i read it,
>>>>>> as a criticism of my description of a dish with similar
>>>>>> ingredients and baked rather than fried?
>>>>> Are you really this dense, not to mention pompous?
>>>> You hadn't noticed?
>>>>> All she is gently
>>>>> and humorously suggesting is that the dishes you and the other
>>>>> poster describe might be good and tasty but they don't meet the
>>>>> ordinary definition of "hash". Like many other dishes, this one
>>>>> is defined not just by its ingredients but by its mode of cooking.
>>>> Yeah but the mere fact of doing that seems a bit odd to me. Like
>>>> what does it matter that i was tweaking the subject, changing its
>>>> flow somewhat? its a very tasty dish and there have been several
>>>> threads on it here comparing the French "a la boulangiere" and the
>>>> Italian "Tuscano" versions of potato wrapped meat dishes.
>>>> Were talking meat and potatoes here, and other than when talking to
>>>> Royalty, changing the subject in a conversation is usually
>>>> acceptable, especially when any change is just a variation on a
>>>> theme.
>>>> So you can see why i was a bit confused by an accusation of being
>>>> inappropriate.
>>> Should have been a separate subject, JL. You know this, we all know
>>> this. This isn't "thread drift", your suggested recipe is a totally
>>> different animal (lamb, even!). And not lamb hash.

>> I agree with Jill.
>> The dish you mentioned also has a Greek version, JL.
>> Cheers,
>> Michael Kuettner

> So where can I get parts for my lawnmower?