Depression and veganism
"piddock" > wrote in message
> "rick etter" > wrote in message news:<clWpb.1601
> > ROTFLMAO What a hoot!
> ROTFLMAO!! What a ****ing liar, you are!
> I can hardly wait until you get your first heart attack.
> I will jump for joy when you suffer and drop dead!\
Ah, feel the AR/vegan compassion. You really are a laugh a minute, killer.
> It will be hilarious for the medical staff to laugh at you
> and tell you that they don't have to be told by YOU what to do.
> ====================
If what a said is such a ly, why did you feel you had to snip it out,
without annotation, and without responding to it? you really are too stupid
to be in the discussion, aren't you? you can't even discuss what you really
think, if you do at all, what with the brain damage you must have.
> You anti-vegetarians force meat on your kids. You force it on people
> in public schools and universities and government. Your advertising
> is forced in our face everywhere.
If it's 'forced' on everybody so badly, why aren't you eating it, fool? You
really don't have a clue, do you?
> And you force YOUR beliefs and YOUR behaviors on animals
> by forcing THEM to do what you want -- suffer and die in
> a cage -- for your trivial little lust for burgers.
Hey, what a coincedence, you cause more animals to die than I do. what's
that say about your hypocrisy, killer?
> Throwing you in prison for the rest of your life,
> or leaving you to die if you get a heart attack or stroke,
> is the ONLY way to get your type to get this point through your
> heads.
Ah, again, the compassion just flows off the tougnes of AR'vegans, doesn't