"Lou Decruss" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 15 Mar 2008 04:50:03 GMT, "Paul M. Cook" >
> wrote:
>>"Lou Decruss" > wrote in message
>>>I was looking through the junk mail that came today and saw a flyer
>>> for Denny's "All you can eat pancakes and coffee for $4.99." Are they
>>> kidding that that's a deal? I haven' been to a Denny's in probably 20
>>> years and can't remember the last time I had pancakes in any
>>> restaurant. Am I out of touch with prices or is $4.99 a big joke?
>>> How many freekin pancakes can a person eat? Especially the crap that
>>> they serve there! Are that many people really that stupid to go there
>>> rather than a real restaurant? Uugggg!!!!
>>You don't get out much.
> Sure I do, just not to Denny's.
>> Some places charge that much just for the coffee.
>>Denny's is OK, you get a decent breakfast there for not much. Plus they
>>always open. And 4.99 is not much. My favorite diner charges 9 bucks for
>>short stack with 2 eggs and your choice of meat.
> But that's a real diner. You can get a real burger at a diner or at a
> corner F/F place for the same money it would cost to eat at
> McShitties. That doesn't make McShitties a good value.
>>> Anyway....The chicken didn't thaw enough so we're having quesadillas
>>> tonight. I've got 3 avocados for some quac. They were on sale 3 for a
>>> buck!! We got 9 and scarfed the other 6 up pretty quick.
>>Way to go Lou.
> I was a pretty good chow. Louise said I used too much lime in the
> guac, but she ate a lot. Guess it wasn't too bad.
Well seeing as this is a cooking group and seeing as how you think this is
1950 and you can get pancakes for 50 cents, maybe a compomiuse would be for
you to learn to cook your own? I mean if you want something done right you
have to do it yourseld. And you don't have to tip either.