On Fri, 07 Nov 2003 15:33:01 GMT, usual suspect > wrote:
>yet another "vegan" misanthrope wrote:
>> ROTFLMAO!! What a ****ing liar, you are!
>> I can hardly wait until you get your first heart attack.
>Feel the LOVE. Oh, what compassion.
Why should anyone have compassion for you? you don't even love
>> I will jump for joy when you suffer and drop dead!
>Yes, you enjoy misfortune of humans while pretending to be compassionate
>for animals. I don't expect the light to go on in your head about what's
>wrong with that picture because you're mentally ill.
Typical abuser, doesn't mind abusing defenseless people and creatures,
but when he gets abused he cries like a baby, how sick is that jon?
>> It will be hilarious for the medical staff to laugh at you
>> and tell you that they don't have to be told by YOU what to do.
>Fortunately, medical professionals tend to be a lot more compassionate
>than AR/vegan activists.
Very lucky for you then, you obese, pygmy, lard arse dwarf. Personally
I'd let you die slowly in your own juices, scum like you don't deserve
anything else.
>> You anti-vegetarians force meat on your kids.
>Offer a kid the choice between meat and broccoli and he's more likely to
>take the meat.
>> You force it on people
>> in public schools and universities and government.
>Nobody forces anyone to eat certain kinds of food. Most institutions
>offer choices, and many even cater to individuals with specific
>religious, cultural, or medical needs. ARAs/vegans are the only group
>attempting to force anything on anyone. Meat sells because that's what
>people want to eat.
>> Your advertising is forced in our face everywhere.
>Just shut off your ****ing television if it bothers you so much, asshole.
>> And you force YOUR beliefs and YOUR behaviors on animals
>> by forcing THEM to do what you want -- suffer and die in
>> a cage -- for your trivial little lust for burgers.
>Tastes aren't trivial. Most of them are formed over many, many years of
>> Throwing you in prison for the rest of your life,
>Treat them the way you *think* they treat animals? Two wrongs make it
>right, huh.
Oh yes they do, in your case.
>> or leaving you to die if you get a heart attack or stroke,
>Feel the love...
Getting worried fatty?
They say it's a horrible, slow death.
>> is the ONLY way to get your type to get this point through your
>> heads.
>Why can't you just learn to be tolerant of others, pencil dick?
Because your intolerance of animals and others cannot be allowed to
continue, pervert. next you'll be asking us if it's OK to fiddle with
your children, well it's not fatso.
'You can't win 'em all.'
Lord Haw Haw.
Since I stopped donating money to CONservation hooligan charities
Like the RSPB, Woodland Trust and all the other fat cat charities
I am in the top 0.801% richest people in the world.
There are 5,951,930,035 people poorer than me
If you're really interested I am the 48,069,965
richest person in the world.
And I'm keeping the bloody lot.
So sue me.
Newsgroup ettiquette
1) Tell everyone the Trolls don't bother you.
2) Say you've killfiled them, yet continue to respond.
3) Tell other people off who repsond despite doing so yourself.
4) Continually talk about Trolls while maintaining
they're having no effect.
5) Publicly post killfile rules so the Trolls know
how to avoid them.
6) Make lame legal threats and other barrel scraping
manoeuvres when your abuse reports are ignored.
7) Eat vast quantities of pies.
8) Forget to brush your teeth for several decades.
9) Help a demon.local poster with their email while
secretly reading it.
10) Pretend you're a hard ******* when in fact you're
as bent as a roundabout.
11) Become the laughing stock of Usenet like Mabbet
12) Die of old age
13) Keep paying Dr Chartham his fees and hope one day you
will have a penis the girls can see.
"If you would'nt talk to them in a bar, don't *uckin' vote for them"
"Australia was not *discovered* it was invaded"
The Big Yin.