On Mar 12, 4:25*pm, Ted > wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg4OG...eature=related
> Take a look on your shelves.
Yes, Rockwell is right in his defense of Communism: only capitalism
alows you to buy Kosher foods. Under Stalin, it was forbidden to
manufacture foods with those ugly and disturbing letters "U" and "K"
on them. Only filthy capialists let you choose for yourself if you
want to eat foods inspected by rabbies, mullahs and priests or not.
What can be more disgusting than the freedom of choice?
Boycott capitalist food! Eat only food with clear labels: "Inspected
and licenced by David Duke and the Dragons of KKK." The price is a bit
higher than competitors' but well worth it: part of the proceeds goes
to speading hatered across the world, burning crosses on coloured
lawns, lynching and death camp construction.