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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default Pancakes For $4.99?

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> "Paul M. Cook" > wrote in message
> news:PhVCj.5786$Id3.1682@trnddc07...
>> "Lou Decruss" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Sat, 15 Mar 2008 04:50:03 GMT, "Paul M. Cook" >
>>> wrote:
>>>>"Lou Decruss" > wrote in message
>>>>news >>>>>I was looking through the junk mail that came today and saw a flyer
>>>>> for Denny's "All you can eat pancakes and coffee for $4.99." Are they
>>>>> kidding that that's a deal? I haven' been to a Denny's in probably 20
>>>>> years and can't remember the last time I had pancakes in any
>>>>> restaurant. Am I out of touch with prices or is $4.99 a big joke?
>>>>> How many freekin pancakes can a person eat? Especially the crap that
>>>>> they serve there! Are that many people really that stupid to go there
>>>>> rather than a real restaurant? Uugggg!!!!
>>>>You don't get out much.
>>> Sure I do, just not to Denny's.
>>>> Some places charge that much just for the coffee.
>>>>Denny's is OK, you get a decent breakfast there for not much. Plus they
>>>>always open. And 4.99 is not much. My favorite diner charges 9 bucks
>>>>for a
>>>>short stack with 2 eggs and your choice of meat.
>>> But that's a real diner. You can get a real burger at a diner or at a
>>> corner F/F place for the same money it would cost to eat at
>>> McShitties. That doesn't make McShitties a good value.
>>>>> Anyway....The chicken didn't thaw enough so we're having quesadillas
>>>>> tonight. I've got 3 avocados for some quac. They were on sale 3 for a
>>>>> buck!! We got 9 and scarfed the other 6 up pretty quick.
>>>>Way to go Lou.
>>> I was a pretty good chow. Louise said I used too much lime in the
>>> guac, but she ate a lot. Guess it wasn't too bad.

>> Well seeing as this is a cooking group and seeing as how you think this
>> is 1950 and you can get pancakes for 50 cents, maybe a compomiuse would
>> be for you to learn to cook your own? I mean if you want something done
>> right you have to do it yourseld. And you don't have to tip either.
>> Paul

> Good lord, who peed in your Cheerios? Everyone knows you can make
> pancakes for next to nothing. Lou certainly knows it. It was merely an
> observation on his part that $4.99 for pancakes (all you can eat or not)
> is probably not a "deal". Maybe you'd better go make some peanut butter
> pancakes

Peanut Butter Pancakes

1¼ cups flour
2 tablespoons sugar
2½ teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
1¼ cups milk
1 egg
¼ cup peanut butter
3 tablespoons butter, melted

Combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Beat milk with egg and peanut
butter until smooth. Add to dry ingredients and beat just until well
moistened. Lightly butter hot griddle. Spoon by ¼ cupfuls onto griddle. Cook
until golden brown on both sides.

Be sure not to use ground peanuts or it just won't be the same dish and in
fact nobody could ever figure out what it was supposed to be. You sure as
hell ain't getting those babies for 4.99 in Thailand, tell ya that right
