"jmcquown" > wrote in message
. ..
> "Michael "Dog3"" > wrote in message
> 6.121...
>> "jmcquown" > dropped this
>> : in rec.food.cooking
>>> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>>> Shouldn't have put it in a thread about hash, then. It deserves its
>>>> own thread and its own discussion.
>>> Absotively! Sounds tasty enough but it's not "beef hash" 
>>> Jill <--contemplating corned beef hash if we have enough left over
>>> next week
>> I haven't thought that far ahead yet but there will be corned beef hash
>> in
>> the house next week
I always plan it so there are a lot of left overs.
>> Do you grind or chop yours? What do you do with the left over cabbage? I
>> make soup if there is a lot left over.
>> Michael
> I chop the meat with a handy dandy cleaver. There probably won't be any
> leftover cabbage. Mom and I are both cabbage fiends. I should have
> bought two while they were on sale. Got 2 nice big bunches of broccoli
> instead. I've got a pot of broccoli soup on the stove 
> Jill
And dammitall, I can't find their cleaver! I know they had one; a nice
hefty one Dad picked up in Thailand. A chef's knife will have to do if I go
the corned beef hash route. We'll see