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Default Asparagus (the Green Stuff)

On Sun, 16 Mar 2008 05:20:03 -0700, Christine Dabney
> wrote:

>On Sun, 16 Mar 2008 05:25:08 -0500, "kilikini"
> wrote:
> Publix grocery store has
>>asparagus on sale at $1.95 a pound right now so I'm buying at eating the
>>heck out of it. I do this every Spring. LOL. I eat so much asparagus that
>>I don't need to eat it until the following Spring.

>That is part of the concept of eating seasonally. That one waits til
>something is in season, and then you eat it a lot during that time.
>Then, when the season ends, you wait til the next year to eat that
>particular thing. This way, you get the vegetable/fruit/whatever at
>it's peak of ripeness..and peak flavor.
>I try to live by this myself. Right now, asparagus is really coming
>down in price here... The asparagus is starting to come in from the
>Sacramento delta and it is just wonderful. I will pig out just like
>you are, and then wait til next year. No asparagus in
>November/December for me!

You also have to learn the seasons in your area. I have a booklet put
out by the North Carolina Farmers' Market Nutrition Program which
lists the produce that will be available in the different seasons.
Here in NC the seasons can vary as much as 6 weeks from the coast to
the mountains. I was just checking the planting guide which is geared
to the Piedmont (central NC) and the footnotes say to plant 2 -3 weeks
earlier on the coast and 2 -3 week later in the mountains.

If your farmers' markets limit area the sellers come from, you will be
limited to what can be grown in that area at that time. Ours tiny one
is limited to a 3 county area and is sponsored by the county extension
service. It opens in May and runs until October. The first few weeks
are pretty sparse.

I planted pea seeds and set out onion plants on Friday and Saturday. I
have chard, cabbage, broccoli and beets ready to set out in a few
days. It rained yesterday so I may be a while until I can get out
into the garden without sinking up to my ankles.

Susan N.

"Moral indignation is in most cases two percent moral,
48 percent indignation, and 50 percent envy."
Vittorio De Sica, Italian movie director (1901-1974)