V 8 Fusion
Terry > wrote in
> I am not much of a fruit or vegetable kind of guy.
> I eat meat and potatoes.
> A friend suggested those new V8 juices. I still have to
> force myself to have one, but they are quite good and good
> for you.
they're not nearly as good for you as real juice. they are
also *way* too sweet.
> Regular V8 tastes like tomato juice but the Fusion drinks
> are like fruit juice.
regular V8 tastes like a salt lick. i much prefer Knudsen's
Very Veggie, if i'm not juicing my own.
really, why should there be HFCS in juice?
Last night while sitting in my chair
I pinged a host that wasn't there
It wasn't there again today
The host resolved to NSA.