Clamato juice and beer
hahabogus wrote:
> "jmcquown" > wrote in
> :
>> > wrote in message
>> .
>> ..
>>> Recently I was visiting a small town in Arizona, and when I walked
>>> past the beer case in a grocery store I noticed quite a few six packs
>>> of Clamato Juice positioned in front of the beer. I thought it was
>>> strange because where I live you might find six cans on the shelt at
>>> the most.
>>> Then I was in a grocery store in Tucson, and I noticed that Budweiser
>>> was selling beer that appeared to be a mixture of Clamato Juice, and
>>> beer. Is this a drink that is just popular in Arizona, or is it a
>>> trend that I have missed?
>>> Thanks
>>> Tom
>> I don't know about Arizona but it's a mixed drink called a "Clam Eye".
>> Add a few extra ingredients and it's a "Shell Shock".
>> Jill
> Beer and clamato or even tomato juice has been up here for a long time.
I believe I heard that it uses to be difficult/impossible to get clamato
juice south of the border. A bit like finding osyter crackers up here.
> Ceasars are more popular up here than Bloody Marys are down there...and
> have probably as many recipes for making one. With the usual ingredients
> and ratios.
I've always thought they sound horrible but then I don't even like
tomato juice. I tend to forget they exist, at least once this resulted
in me getting a glass of some red liquid with a celery stick in it
instead of my salad.
John Kane, Kingston ON Canada