Santoku knife chopping technique
I find there are differing Santuko blade shapes—some more "flat" or
"straight" than others.
I bought two, really cleap Santukos just to try them out for their
feel without spending a bunch, you might try the same.
I found I prefereed the more curved blade for chopping with the same
rolling technique I use with a chef's knife.
To me, the greatest thing about the Santuko was its thin blade. I use
Henkels knives and those thick chef's blades tend to send little bits
flying when I chop. The Santuko was better at keeping those fine
pieces on the cutting board in their nice, little heap. The wide
blade functions just like th chef's knife.
In general, I like the Santuko for chopping but a 6" Utility knife for
general cutting prep. Those two plus a chef's parer do 95% of my prep
work. (But I do have a block full of Henkels acquired over the years.)
On Sat, 15 Mar 2008 14:29:23 -0700 (PDT), Ken
> wrote:
>Just for curiosity's sake: What is considered the proper technique
>for chopping veggies with a santoku knife? Is it the same as the
>usual rocking motion with a conventional chef's knife? Or because the
>blade is almost straight, do you lift the entire knife up and down to