Gigot à la boulangère
Ophelia > wrote:
> Will you share your recipe please, Victor?
Sure, but it is not "my" recipe. It is from _The Real Meat Cookbook_ by
Frances Bissell.
Gigot Boulangère
Serves 4-6
1 leg of lamb, weighing 4-5 lb/1.8-2.3 kg
2-3 cloves of garlic
4 lb/1.8 kg maincrop potatoes, peeled and sliced quite thinly
1 tsp dried rubbed thyme
2 bay leaves, crushed fine
1/2 tsp salt
good pinch of freshly ground black pepper
1 onion, peeled and finely chopped
up to 4 oz/110 g butter
Peel and slice the garlic, then cut it into 'nails'. Insert these into
the leg of lamb, all over, in slashes made in the in the fat with a
sharp knife, between the muscles and around the bone.
Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F, gas mark 6. Mix the herbs, seasoning
and onions together. Butter an ovenproof dish and lay half the potatoes
in it. Sprinkle on half the seasoning then the rest of the potatoes in
a layer, topped with the remaining seasoning. Dot with half the rest of
the butter. Pour on enough warm water to just cover the potatoes and
put them in the oven for 1 - 1 1/2 hours.
Mix the rest of the butter with a good pinch each of salt and pepper and
smear this over the leg of lamb. Remove the cooked potatoes from the
oven and place the lamb on top. Return it to the oven and cook it for
15-18 minutes per lb/455 g, depending on how well cooked you like the
Switch off the oven, open the door and let the meat relax for 5-10
minutes before carving and serving.