Depression and veganism
LoadofSnot wrote:
>>Size doesn't have anything to do with it. Show me a 30 foot cockroach
>>and I'll need a big-ass can of RAID. With that said, I think people
>>have the right to decide which animals they value over others. Dogs,
>>cats, and horses mean a LOT more to me than some chicken on a farm,
>>for example. Everyone has different values, so if someone values cows
>>and chickens over rats, then so be it. The only thing that really
>>****es me off is when people value humans lower than other animals.
> Then you are an arse. No one needs to make any such comparisons but a
> fool.
You do it all the time. Fool.
> We can live quite happily side, by side with animals, we do NOT
> need to eat them,
Many people like the way they taste. Meat is food.
> we do NOT need to abuse them.
We're not talking about abusing them, just keeping their populations at
manageable, tolerable levels.
> just because a rat is
> a rat doesn't mean we have a right to kill it on a whim,
Yes, we do.
> 90% of pest control is pre-emptive and completely unnecessary.
According to whom?
> It's like banning
> cars to save children from being run over, borne of stupidity and
> ignorance, that people seem to thrive on.
Non sequitur.
> Fact is if we were not such a dirty, lazy shits then rats and
> cockroaches would not be a problem. I know I am living quite happily
> wth no pest control measures in my life at all and always will.
Spoken like a true misanthrope.
>>I'm comparing them to the other rats because rats are pests.
> So are humans.
You love animals, and detest people. Yes, you are compassionate. Haha.
>>Animals that die in slaughterhouses are often killed humanely but
>>sometimes they're not. I'm not getting that from some ARA web site
>>either, I've been reading guidelines on how to slaughter cows and the
>>idea of "return to sensibility" is covered. Apparently sometimes after
>>the animals are stunned they can come back around and be in pain and
>>have to be stunned again.
> Indeed. It's cruel and the ultimate abuse of an animal.
The ultimate abuse is for an animal to be used as a political pawn by
someone like you. You don't REALLY care about animals, you just REALLY
hate humans.
>>Most people can't follow a vegan diet because it's so much of a
>>hassle. As an experiment I tried to do it for two weeks and there was
>>almost NOTHING at the regular grocery store that was free of animal
> It's how we have been conditioned, do you not see that?
Conditioning plays only a small role in it. Most tastes are universal,
and part of our evolution. Repulsion of extreme bitter flavors is a
mechanism which helps us to avoid poisons.