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Default Depression and veganism

(Rubystars) wrote in message . com>...

> That's not very compassionate. What's the point in having a respect
> for life (all life) if you tell someone that you wish they would drop
> dead from a heart attack?

Because it is MY RIGHT to have compassion or not for whomever I want,
because Rick Etter, Usual Suspect, Radical Moderate, and Dutch all do
the same. They
> I may get flamed for saying this, but isn't a human life of more value
> than a cow's? It is in my opinion. Why would you be happy if Rick died
> but sad when a cow died?

Because it is MY RIGHT to do that. *I* do not hurt anybody by wishing
anti-vegetarians like them dead. ALL that matters to THEM is THEIR
right to torture and kill for no other reason than it tastes or feels
good, even when they have plenty of choices. Their lives have no

THEY claim to be "pro-human". That makes them the GREATEST HYPOCRITES

> I've been reading/posting to this group on and off and I know Rick
> posts things that make people angry and seems to stir people up, but
> you shouldn't let him get under your skin. He just has a different
> opinion than other people here, even if he is deliberately trying to
> get reactions.

Good. So then if I wish Rick Etter dead, or if some person wanted the
entire human race wiped off the earth (such persons do exist, but none
of them want humans exterminated for the benefit of animals -- usually
they have some abstract religious reason), then THAT should not get
under your skin, right?

So please do NOT pretend that ANYthing *I* say "bothers" you.
Because, based upon your anything goes attitude, I know that it does
not, and that for you to say otherwise is a lie.

> Meat eating is the way that humans have lived since before we were
> humans. I don't really see that as "forcing" it on the kids.

Face the hard reality: EVERY kid is forced into existence by their
parents. Even people of the most diverse political opinions agree
on that.

> is provided there. If meat wasn't provided, then people would have to
> go off campus for lunch or bring a bagged lunch, because most people
> don't want to go vegetarian.

So? Let them.

> That would be catering to the minority at
> the expense of the majority if meat wasn't available.

No. The animals are in the majority. Their PAIN is in the majority
-- it simply annihilates in importance all these other petty little
desires many meat-eaters have.

> Now if there's
> ever a time when meat eating is in the minority, then there may be a
> better case for not having it available.

That will occur only because of the efforts and dedicated work of
people like me and other animal activists. It will never come about
by any of your posts talking about what the majority wants.
You are not saying anything new nor anything that needs to be said.

There are PLENTY of OTHER things the majority of humans
wants which it DOES get: television, running water, electricity,
a million other things in our daily lifestyles. Meat is only a small
one for them, but a big one for the animals.

> We all use animals to one degree or another. I don't think it makes
> someone a terrible person if they want to eat meat.

> That makes you sound like a fanatic. Vegans and even vegetarians have
> a bad reputation for being fanatical, for hating humans and loving

And being a fanatic does not make a person terrible.
If you tell me or anyone else that a meat-eater is not a bad
person even if they have better choices, then I will tell you that
NObody is a bad person. Period.

> animals more than humans. Wouldn't it be much better to ignore him, or
> to be kind to him, rather than to seem so vicious?

No -- because, again, if HE can state HIS opinion, then I can, too.
But, your brain is so fanatically obsessed with telling pro-animal
people what to say or not say or do or not do that nobody will listen
to you or take you seriously.

P.S. If a majority of adults wanted sex with children, obviously
you would support their right to do it, wouldn't you, since majority
rule is all that matters. And sex with children is not nearly as bad
as deliberately torturing someone by forcing a feeding tube down their
throat while keeping them in a cage their entire lives.
Even the Libertarian Party does not blindly approve of majority rule.
The LP does not say, "Get rid of homosexuality if a majority of people
want no homosexuals in their country."