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Virginia Tadrzynski Virginia Tadrzynski is offline
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Posts: 1,215
Default TVP foams over when boiled

"George Cebulka" > wrote in message
> cybercat wrote:
>> > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> I often throw the large TVP chunks into boiling water in hopes of
>>> hydrating them more quickly than letting them rest in cold or room-
>>> temperature water. However, it has a tendency to foam up quite
>>> suddenly, seemingly well before boiling temperature. Is there a dash
>>> of something I can add to prevent this?

>> Why are you using an acronym so that nobody knows what the hell you are
>> talking about??

> Ok, I had to check out what the heck TVP was.... I'm almost sorry that I
> did.....
> Dang, but, this stuff sounds nasty...

TVP sounds better than 'toe jam' which, if you look at it, it bears more
than a striking resemblance to. I would say tastes like as well, but I am
not a conniseur of fine toe jam.