"George Cebulka" > wrote in message
> cybercat wrote:
> Ok, I had to check out what the heck TVP was.... I'm almost sorry that I
> did.....
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textured_vegetable_protein
> Dang, but, this stuff sounds nasty...
Lots of faux food products coming out these days from the Agribiz cartels.
Your link references another, Future Food with an article on cultured meats
Similiar subject to one that came out in Feb in Beef mag:
To quote Jason Matheny, lead author of a paper on in vitro meat production
in a June 2006 issue of the scientific journal Tissue Engineering,..."When
people ask me if consumers will accept this kind of meat, I think, 'yes,
look at what they already accept.'"