rick etter > wrote in message
> "piddock" > wrote in message
> om...
> > (tofubar) wrote in message
> . com>...
> > > I've noticed that my friends who have gone exclusively vegan, even if
> > > they take vitamins, seem more moody and depressed. Has anyone else
> > > noticed this?
> >
> > No. Vegans and vegetarians are happier than meat-eaters.
> > Whenever vegans do feel sad, it is because of anti-vegetarians
> > who favor greater government control to force vegans and animals
> > to cater to their selfish lifestyle.
> ========================
> ROTFLMAO What a hoot! this is the laugh of the day, killer.
> The only people here advocating making others do what they do are the
> vegans, you ignorant loon!
> No where has any of us told you what you have to eat. vegans do that all
> the time, and would make
> it the governments fuction to ensure that diet given the chance. You
> are insane, hypocrite.
Very old propaganda technique: repeat a set of lies vehemently and often
enough and people might believe it. Doesn't work on here though. Neither
does replying with, "I'm not the one doing that. It's exactly what you're
doing though."
At the risk of causing you to commit suicide, I must break the devastatingly
shocking news to you that on here there are many people who are mush more
intelligent that yourself and know a damned sight more about nutrition, food
toxicology and ethics than you do.
How much are the Meat Trades Association paying you and do they realise that
they are wasting their money?!