Rusty <Rusty >> wrote:
> In my quest to
> perfect boiled water I began by collecting a dozen different recipes
> ranging from family hand-me-downs to restaurant standbys.
I don't usually read/watch too much ATK, but I'm currently reading
one of their "Best of" cookbooks as my "while eating dinner" reading
This is what always gets me - he/they shoot for improving this
arbitrary feature about a recipe and then go to great lengths to
defeat the original recipe, taking so many liberties with the recipe
and technique that by the time you're done, you've dirtied up every
pan and utensil in the kitchen, bought some totally off-the-wall
untraditional ingredients, all to solve what I perceive as a
non-issue to begin with.
If they just would have cooked it right the first time, they
wouldn't have to go to all this frikken trouble!
So yes - I appreciate the satire of the OP :-)
I did make the souffle this weekend from that cookbook, but at least
here they didn't try and "solve" any nonexistent problem.