On 2008-03-12, Blinky the Shark wrote:
> ChattyCathy wrote:
>> http://www.recfoodcooking.com/
> I believe this is a genetically linked trait.
> BUT here's something to consider: is the difference in making stinky
> pee or not making stinky pee -- or is the difference in the ability to
> *perceive* the stinky pee that everyone makes after eating asparagus?
I don't have my copy of McGee _On Food and Cooking_ handy right now,
but I think he says that almost all people produce the smelly compound
and whereas a smaller majority can detect it.
Nam Sibbyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla
pendere, et *** illi pueri dicerent: beable beable beable; respondebat
illa: doidy doidy doidy. [plorkwort]