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Adam Funk[_2_] Adam Funk[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 227
Default (2008-03-12) New survey on the RFC site: Asparagus and 'stinkypee'

On 2008-03-13, Dave W wrote:

> We actually did some "informal observations" at a small dinner party a
> few years ago. The participants were on faculty at university that will
> remain unnamed. Asparagus was served at dinner and one of the guests (a
> psychology prof who's specialty, like mine, is "sensation and
> perception") discussed the urine odor thing. He claimed a genetic
> component. The rest of the evening nobody flushed after peeing without
> allowing the rest of us to "sample" the pee (with our noses).

Excellent work!

> Science is fun.

Not a brouhaha!

Agent Rogersz: "It happens sometimes. People just explode.
Natural causes." (Cox 1984)