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Default Colcannon

On Mon, 17 Mar 2008 23:30:56 GMT, "James Silverton"
> wrote:

>Along these lines, I was in Whole Foods today and they were
>giving out samples of Colcannon. This is mashed potatoes with
>finely chopped cooked cabbage, an Irish dish. I'd never wanted
>to try it but it was surprisingly good, Here's a recipe from a
>Scottish source:

I went to Dublin summer before last and actually looked for
Calcannon... but it was nowhere to be found. The staff at my B&B said
they'd heard of it, but had never eaten it. Not a popular dish over
there anymore, at least in the city. Calcannon reminds me of Bubble
and Squeak, which was my DD's favorite meal as a kid.

Here's my favorite version

ala: The Frugal Gourmet

3 or more unpeeled potatoes (depending on size, boiled
(this meal is perfect for left over potatoes, so plan ahead)
4 cups cabbage, chopped, blanched
1/2 med yellow onion, peeled, chopped
1 zucchini, shredded or julienned
3 or more slices bacon, browned, chopped; reserve the fat
1/4 cup diced ham (optional)
fresh coarse-ground black pepper, to taste
salt to taste

Fry the bacon and boil the potatoes, which may be cut up into thirds
if you like; blanch the chopped cabbage in the potato water. Mash the
potatoes into rough lumps with your hands by squeezing them once
through your fingers. Just break them up. Add everything else but
the reserved bacon fat and stir it all together in a big mixing bowl.

Heat a frying pan of any size that is appropriate for the amount,
nonstick is okay. Put the bacon fat in the pan, heat, then press the
potato mixture into the pan. Fry it over medium-low to medium heat,
until the bottom is golden brown. This may take half an hour, but the
time depends on how thickly you've packed the pan. Loosen it with a
spatula and check the bottom. When it's browned enough around the
edges and underneath, put an inverted plate on top of the frying pan
and turn the whole thing over so the bubble-and-squeak falls out onto
the plate.


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