Brown Ground Beef in Oven??
On Mar 17, 10:50�pm, Melba's Jammin' >
> In article >,
> �Sqwertz > wrote:
> > Melba's Jammin' <Melba's Jammin' >>
> > wrote:
> > > I suppose it could be but it seems like a nuisance to me. �I think you'd
> > > want high heat -- maybe 400 degrees. �And you'd be in and out of the
> > > oven, breaking it up and moving it around but I suppose it would work. �
> > > The oven would contain all the spatters. �:-)
> > Just press it into a jelly roll pan and cook it like a big
> > hamburger. �Drain, and cut into Ziploc sized baggies for storage in
> > the freezer. �Stores flat and won't take up much room when stacked.
> > Don't crumble it until after you thaw it.
> > -sw
> Hah!! �Good idea.
Yeah, if what you want is mostly greyed beef with some browned
edges... that's how to make the world's most bland meat loaf. That's
what y'all Tayxsuns drown in bottled aixtree sweet kay-chip and call
BarBeePoo. <G>
Ahahahahahahahahahahaha. . . .