Thoughts on fruit and vegetables. Was: V8 Fusion
James Silverton wrote:
> Cindy wrote on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 06:31:10 -0700 (PDT):
> CH> On Mar 17, 8:41 am, "James Silverton"
> CH> > wrote:
> ??>> Terry wrote on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 10:47:29 -0700 (PDT):
> ??>>
> T>>> I am not much of a fruit or vegetable kind of guy.
> T>>> I eat meat and potatoes.
> ??>>
> ??>> I wonder how many people are with Terry?
> ??>>
> ??>> I have to remind myself frequently to eat an adequate
> ??>> amount of non-starchy vegetables and I seldom have a
> ??>> craving for any of them. Asparagus perhaps, since I cannot
> ??>> bring myself to afford it during a good deal of the year
> ??>> and cauliflower, which goes well with the common sauces.
> ??>> French beans are another vegetable that rather like.
> ??>>
> ??>> I find also that I mostly eat fruit at breakfast time: banana
> ??>> and grapefruit or melons mostly. I also have a glass of
> ??>> orange juice at breakfast so I suppose I am eating an
> ??>> "adequate" amount of fruit. One of the problems I find
> ??>> with fruit, call me lazy if you wish, is that you usually
> ??>> can't eat the whole thing and you have to find a place to
> ??>> dispose of a core or rind if you are eating it outside a
> ??>> meal. A banana is not bad, non-messy and you can remove
> ??>> the peel at once and hold the fruit especially if you like
> ??>> them barely ripe as I do. The seedless grape is about the
> ??>> only other fruit that I like eating between meals. Of
> ??>> course, if you can find wild berries and eat them then and
> ??>> there, they are also good but store-bought berries usually
> ??>> require extra sugar for my taste.
> CH> Not me. From a kid who wouldn't eat any vegetables, I grew
> CH> up into an adult who positively craves them on a daily
> CH> basis. If I had only myself to cook for, I'd consider what
> CH> vegetables I'd like to eat and then
> CH> think about what meat would go with them.
> CH> I'm rarely anywhere that I couldn't find a place to dispose
> CH> of fruit remains.
> A minor problem, especially if I use a waste basket, is that I can smell
> the remains after an houtr or two!
> James Silverton
> Potomac, Maryland
> E-mail, with obvious alterations:
When at work I carefully make sure that I drop things like banana skins
and orange peel in the kitchen garbage. Never use your own wastepaper
basket. It's messy trying to find the key notes for the meeting that
you accidently tossed.
John Kane, Kingston ON Canada