On 18 Mar, 02:53, wrote:
> Still, Carl's starter didn't create a bread with a tang that I
> expected. On a scale of 0 to 10, I'd give this loaf a 7 or 8.
> Just wondering - would the Acme or San Francisco starters provide a
> bread with more tangyness and more of that 'sour cream' or
> 'buttermilk' flavor ?
> Doug
Hi Doug,
There are different ways to get sour. The safest is to use low
temperatures. This has nothing to do with a longer rise meaning more
sour as people mistakenly conclude, that's a different matter, it's to
do with the differences in performance of the different yeast and
bacteria in the starter at certain temperatures.
See the graph, it shows the growth curve for different bacteria, the
data was taken from the FAQ.
Ignore the scale on the left the difference is the important thing to
note, and ignore the pale blue line, that some different data and an
over simplified equation.
The temperature along the bottom is in degrees C