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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
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Default Potato peeling gadgets??

On Mar 18, 6:25*am, Anthony Ferrante >
> There are few things in life I hate more than peeling potatoes and I
> was reminded of that fact when I began peeling them for my gig's
> dinner. Through Google, I was able to see a few gadgets that claim to
> be able to peel potatoes and I was wondering if they really work?
> I saw a rather inexpensive item that you add water to and about two
> pounds of potatoes and it says it will clean them in about 4 minutes.
> Sounds good, but I wonder:
> I've also seen the table-top apple peelers that also say they will
> peel potatoes. Be nice if it works:
> Anyone try any of these? If so, your thoughts?
> Anthony

I have used the apple peeler or one like it - paid $19.95, and it is
worth every penny, because I can control how it's used (it's manual),
and I love to bake with apples. I've never used it on potatoes,
because I don't peel that many ever. It is also easy to clean and
doesn't take up much room.
